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Nordic Textile Art, NTA, presents a program at Textilmuseet in Borås 18.9 – 7.10 2007:
TEXTILE LIGHT – an exhibition with five invited artists, one from each Nordic country
MINI TEXTILE – an open exhibition with over 80 participating members

We start from the present situation of textile art in the Nordic countries, and think ahead...
The Nordic Textile Council, which was formed at the seminar in 2006 with two key persons from each country, has planned. The home page was created and is managed by an Icelandic member. The association´s present board, enlarged by a group of enthusiastic people, has created this program, this happening, which originally was planned to be a whole exhibition summer in Hunnebostrand at the Swedish west coast, but which capsized on the reefs and rocks of local politics.
Thanks to the generosity and interest of Textilmuseet we are now able to carry through the whole program at its premises in Borås.
Thank you!

Read more: Textile Light/Textil Lys