Nordic Textile Meeting in Denmark 2020 - Across Generations - På tværs af generationer
Here comes a report - I wrote it on Monday, the day after our meeting ended. If the meeting had been scheduled for this weekend, it would have been canceled due to COVID-19, which has almost shut down Denmark. But we must rejoice in all that we have experienced, stick together, take care of ourselves and look after each other. //Vibeke Lindhardt
Spring is on the way - and 56 members, almost exactly a quarter of all NTA members, one half from Denmark and the other from Sweden, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Germany and Scotland have gathered from March 5 to 8 for the annual meeting at Rødding Højskole in Southern Jutland in Denmark. It has been a great pleasure to be together for artist talks, workshops, songs and textile tours in the area. The theme of this year's meeting has been Across Generations.
Read the story about the Nordic Textile Meeting in Denmark. You will find it here in Danish and also in English written by our chairwomen Vibeke Lindhardt.