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NTA – Nordic Textile Arts årsmøde 5. - 8. marts 2020 i Sønderjylland – Rødding Højskole

The event is now fully booked. 

The registration will be open 1.1.  - 22.2. 2020. Fullbokat.

Do you need a personal invitation? Please let us know. We have one ready for you!

Nordic Textile Art's next annual meeting will be held in Denmark, 5 - 8 March 2020 and this time in Jutland. The meeting will be held at Rødding Højskole which is Denmark’s oldest Højskole.

Welcome to a textile conference and meeting place for Nordic textile art where the theme of the days is På tvaers af generationer - Across Generations.

This event is open for members of Nordic Textile Art. And it´s easy to become a member. You just have to be interested in nordic textile art, do the registration and pay our membership fee. 🙂

Join us, Across Generations!

Her kan du downloade programmet på dansk.

Please don´t hesitate to contact us if you have have questions. You can write på dansk, skandinavisk, or English.

Conference language: dansk, skandinavisk, English


Wednesday 4.3 – Arrival day, Kolding

You will find your NTA friends at Hotel Saxildhus in Kolding.

Thursday 5.3 – Kolding Design School

09.50 We meet at Hotel Saxildhus close to the train station in Kolding, a bus has been reserved which will take us there.

10.00 Guided tour of the Design School Koldings Textile Branch of textile designer/Trainer Helle Trolle and a few students.

12.00 Lunch in the Design school canteen

13.15 Visits to gallery Pagter — a pottery gallery that has textile exhibitions. During our visit textiles of Gudrun Pagter are exhibited.

14.30 Bus leaves from Kolding

15.00 Visit with weaver/textile designer Grethe Sørensen

17.30 Arrival at Rødding Højskole

18.00 Dinner at Rødding Højskole

18.45 Accommodation at Rødding Højskole. We hang up the exhibition (textile works brought by the participants)

20.30 Opening of our exhibition with bubbles and presentation of the book Danish Textile Art 2008-2018 by Gina Hedegaard Nielsen. Sofia Møller tells about the art collective 8B (Kunstkollektivet 8B)

Friday 6.3 - Textile tour to the South Jutland

08-09 Breakfast

09.00 Classical High school morning meeting with singing. Mads Rykind Eriksen, Principal and CAD. Mag. in history and philosophy tells about the Wadden Sea (Vadehavet)

09.45 Departure by bus to Ribe Cathedral.

10.15 Ribe. Guided tour with Georg Bendix. Tales of the Church Textiles by the Weavers Berthe Forchhammer and Vibeke Lindhardt. Morning coffee by the bus.

11.15 Departure from Ribe.

12.00 Tønder Museum, Tale of Lace and the national significance and the identity-creating, visit to the House of Drøses, Tønder's oldest house. Here we eat our lunch that we bring with us.

15.00 Klægager, a restored marshland at Ballum. Ruth and Chr. Lorenzen tell about landscape and culture. Mini South Jutland café, a special south Jutland tradition.

17.30 Arrival at Rødding.

18-19 Dinner.

19.30 Singing Evening with Mads Rykind Eriksen, Nordic songs and about the Danish folk high school tradition.

Saturday 7.3 - Textile Conference day

08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast

09.00 - 9.30 Morning meeting with singing, Vibeke Lindhardt

9.40 – 10.30 Lecture Grethe Wittrock, inspired of the whole world.

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee

11.00 - 12.00 Lecture Ragnhild Hjalmarsdóttir Højgaard, about the textiles for Glasir, a newly built gymnasium in the Faroe Islands

12.00 – 12.30 Lunch

13 – 16.00 Workhops

Workshop 1.  new life in the weather-beaten sail, Grethe Wittrock.

Workshop 2. Blue Hour-a workshop on blue dye- in the middle of the day! Helle Trolle.

Workshop 3.  Viklebilleder, Winding samples - collaborative colour workshop across generations. Astrid Skibsted.

Workshop 4.  Stitch tagging. Eva mm Engelhardt.

16 – 16.30 Coffee

16.30 – 17.30 Lecture by textile artist Inge Bjørn.

18.30-19.30 Gala Dinner. Wear perhaps a textile conversation piece.

19.30 – 21.00 Lecture with Anne Mette Larsen: Roads to Moscow and Midjutland carpets

21.00 Snacks and red wine.

Sunday 8.3 - Networking day and the annual meeting

08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast

9.00-09.30 Morning meeting of singing in Frimenighedskirken, see the Antependium and the chapel to see Inge Bjørn's textile.

9.40 – 10.40 General Assembly.

10.40 – 11.00 Morning Coffee.

11.00 – 12.00 Cecilie Bendixen, designer who works in creating textiles spaces, talks about architecture and textile.

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch – Thank you and goodbye.

13.00 Bus departure to the village Vejen. (Du kan booke din hjemmetransport fra Vejen fra ca 13.40)

More about the WORKSHOPS

Workshop 1. Grethe Wittrock f. 1964,
Nyt liv i vejrbidt sejl.

At this workshop we are going to create 3-dimensional sculptural objects using textile techniques. We will work in weather-beaten sails which have crossed the Nordic waters for several years and give them new life in a new form.

Structures and shapes are created using folding, pleating, sewing, clipping, cutting, hole perforation, braiding, linking and twimping, etc. Repetition of a technique can often emphasize the beauty of a material and create a harmonious work of art.

Workshop 2. Helle Trolle f. 1969

Blue Hour - a workshop about dyeing blue. Indigofarvning, BLÅ TIME - en workshop om blåfarvning - midt på dagen!
Communicating professionalism and craftsmanship from generation to generation: we together explore and develop the traditions and craftsmanship of our Nordic culture and focus on communicating our textile knowledge to future generations.

Helle Trolle graduated from the Kolding Design School in 1993 with a focus on tissues. She works with the profession both as a teacher and an independent designer. Over the last 10 years she has been teaching the weaving profession at the Design school in Kolding and taught courses for both professional and inexperienced weavers around the country. Received handicraft prize of 1879.

"I am very concerned with methods of dyeing and constantly try to develop my knowledge of techniques and natural dyes. At the latest on a study trip to Japan, where the Indigo met the colours BUAISOU. Through them, I have gained new knowledge about the indigo dyeing.

In Japan, it is natural to convey its knowledge about crafts and methods from generation to generation. We must work to do the same in the Nordic region. Here in Denmark we knew a lot about colouring in previous generations-in fact, one does not have to go longer back than the 1970-ies. During that period the profession was flourishing and a lot of knowledge was gathered about plants, their colouring and dyeing processes in practice. Next Generation-who are the students I meet in teaching today-have a great desire to learn these techniques again. In 2019 It is a great pleasure to teach the next generation to dye with plants. Together with them, new angles and new methods are explored in the color craft, which can help us to dye without the use of chemistry and therefore more sustainable and natural. These methods are developed by looking backwards and investigating the work of early generations with the area, and the perspective is being looked into in the future and examining the opportunities we imagine must come. "

Workshop 3 Astrid Skibsted f.1982

Winding samples - collaborative colour workshop across generations. A hands-on workshop and artist talk on colour.

In this process-led workshop, participants will study compositions of yarn and material to experiment with new colour combinations and challenge our perception of colour. When working with the square winding sample format, you quickly reach a space where you are free to focus on playful iterative processes. There are no technical skills needed and regardless of your level of experience, there is something new to discover.

You’ll create colourful winding samples to inspire your future textile projects or to simply be playful small works of art.

Yarns have a deep and complex way of reflecting colour and light. We work with various inspiration materials and discuss how we can translate classical colour theory into yarn and textile materials.

The program will consist of: An inspirational talk on colour in textiles. A collaborative group colour experiment. Creating your individual winding samples.

Astrid Skibsted is a textile artist and weaver, working from her studio in central Aarhus.  Her creative process investigates how colours behave and interact in textiles and fibers. Her primary techniques are minimalist plain weave structures and windings of yarn in bold colour sequences.

Her work visually expresses the time invested in the making of each piece. Every thread is traceable. Following each line, one thread at a time, gives a sense of calm and engaged stillness.

Workshop 4. Eva mm Engelhardt, f. 1980

Stitch tagging.

Stitch tagging is an embroidery concept that combines the illicit audacity of street art and embroidery traditions! In the workshop we play with a handful of the old embroidery techniques so they afterwards can be used for street art. The idea is that the different stitches should embroider directly on the public textiles we surround ourselves with in our everyday lives. It also introduces different materials and tools that lend themselves well to the purpose!

Eva mm Engelhardt is a textile artist and textile geek. She works with the textiles as artistic media in the form of sculptural, embroidered works and street art. She goes in depth with sewing techniques and the old embroidery techniques, to satisfy her inner technique nerd and to let her inner universe twist into the world. With recycled materials, leftovers and inherited threads, the world is reflected and rendered in a soft format. Yet the message is sharp and hits hard after the textiles' transformation. The textile knowledge is passed on to others in the form of her embroidery courses, embroidery kits and instructional videos on YouTube.

Præsentation af program og medvirkende.

Sted: Rødding Højskole som ligger i den nordlige del af Sønderjylland, Flors Alle 1, 6630 Rødding, Danmark.

At vi er samlet på højskolen, er ikke kun fordi vi praktisk er samlet under samme tag – Rødding Højskole er unik at være samlet på – det er landets første højskole og ældste, (175 år i år) - hvor man som bondefolk blev oplyst på såvel boglig viden som praktiske færdigheder. I dag en højborg for politik, praktiske fag (bl.a. tekstil og design) på korte som lange ophold, for unge som ældre og for blandede generationer. Det er landets højborg for kultur og politik. Der bliver holdt grundlovsmøder med statsministeren og kulturministeren er en gang om året på skolen til et stormøde for at have en åben dialog om kulturen i Danmark. Højskolelivet er uvurderligt i uddannelsessammenhæng og er for opadgående igen. Vi synes det er vigtigt at give de nordiske deltagere en indblik i den danske højskoletradition, hvorfor vi også vil få den traditionelle "højskole-introduktion" efter aftensmad, sammen med sange fra højskolesangbogen.


Inge Bjørn, Danmark f. 1925,

Inge Bjørn is a weaver, comes from the folk high school life and has characterized the country's school No. 2 Askov University, and has characterized very much the weaving in Denmark. She has published "Ancient costume-contemporary clothing", has always taught young people and developed the textile from the Art of applied arts to large textiles – Asgar Jorn's tapestries woven in France by Inge Bjørn. She is still an executive and an excellent mediator.

Grethe Wittrock, Danmark f. 1964,

Anne Mette Larsen and Grethe Wittrock are the generation who seek out the world for inspiration – the United States and Russia, and get new colours and cultures under the skin = globalization and population migration– what does it do to us in this age – this migration and other cultures that come to the entire Nordic region – it has a big impact on the young generation that meets other cultures in everyday life. What does that mean?

Anne Mette Larsen, Danmark f. 1961,

Is a weaver, has a delicate addition to life and weaving. Has travelled and is inspired in Eastern Europe and she will tell about her projects – including the Middle Jutland Carpets Project.

Ragnhild Hjalmarsdottir Højgaard, Færøerne f.1982,

Ragnhild Hjalmarsdottir Højgaard works with surface design in a broad sense and often on a larger scale in different design and architecture contexts. Based on the qualities of the material, she intuitively and by experimenting with the craftsmanship challenges her own abilities by continually learning new technologies and techniques. Ragnhild is originally from the Faroe Islands, but lives and works in Copenhagen. She has made textile decorations for Glasir Torshavn College.

More information.

Where to stay? We will all stay at Rødding Højskole 5 - 8.3. You book your accommodation yourself. The price includes both food and lodging. The price for 3 nights is 2805 DKK per person in a double room.  And 3153 DKK in a single room for 3 nights. NTA will administer the booking. Send an email to . If you have a friend to share room with, let us know. We are also happy to help you find your room mate. (There are just a few single rooms). The price includes all the meals we have together during our time at Rødding højskole.

Når du nu tilmelder dig til Rødding højskole, så skal du tænke på at der ikke er så mange enkeltrum til rådighed, derfor vil vi bede dig overveje at dele rummet med en roommate. Du har mulighed for at skrive til os, hvis du ved hvem du gerne vil dele rummet med, hvis du intet noterer, så fordeler vi jer efter bedste evne. Husk det er en højskole vi skal bo på og ikke et hotel, derfor må du også vide, at du kan komme til at dele bad og toilet med andre på gangen. Rødding højskole oser af charme og vi kommer til at skabe en masse netværk, som jo netop er formålet med foreningen.

On the first day in Kolding, the NTA Board will be in Kolding the night 4-5. March and stay at Hotel Saxildhus, so we can find each other. Do you want to stay at the same hotel? Call the hotel  +45 7552 1200. Use this reservation nummer 1049649 and they will give you a special price.

Please don´t hesitate to contact us if you have have questions.

Du kan skriva till oss på "skandinaviska" eller engelska.

Do you need an invitation? E-mail

Download the program in English, eller på Dansk.

Prices: Conference fee 950 SEK,  Students Conference fee 450SEK, (Textile Tour to the South Jutland 450 SEK, Workshops 350 SEK. ) Food and accommodation are not included in the prices.

The event is now fully booked. The registration is open 1.1 2019 - 22.2 2020. Fullbokat

You book your accommodation at Rødding højskole by sending an e-mail to The price for 3 nights including food is 2805 DKK per person in a double room. The price is in DKK for food and accommodation. When you have booked we will send you an invoice.



Supported by:

Logo Nordisk ministerråd

Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fond, Lars Hiertas Minnesfond og AP Møllers fond.