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A project supported by Nordic Culture Point and Long term Network funding, 2022 - 2024

- What happens when the habit is broken and the obvious is erased? When we challenge our relationship to the material and place it in new contexts?
The aim of the project is to deepen contacts and collaboration between artists and organizations for textile arts in each Nordic country and to create a mobility with new forums for textile arts where the Baltic countries are included in our textile network.


In the project Nordic Textile Art make the workshop Textile Talk / Talk Textile in collaboration with textile organizations and artists in Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. We want the textile to talk to us, and we want to talk about textile.

The program of the workshop days includes meetings with current, local culture which give the participants the opportunity to experience specific environments and traditions. A living way to exchange experiences, new skills, inspiration, knowledge, and culture. The goal is to promote cooperation and lasting connections between the nordic countries and strengthen the contacts to the baltic countries. To meet in real life and to be creative together has a big impact of future relations and collaborations.

Textile Talk/Talk Textile - Rättvik, Sweden - 2022.

Textile Workshop in Rättvik, Sweden, Textile Talk/Talk Textile. - Part I

Practical creativity breeds new ideas. Textile artists and members of EteKL, TEXO, NTA and from Kaunas in Lithuania meet in a textile workshop in Sweden. The place for the workshop was Målargården in Rättvik, a family house with large areas, studio, inspiring environment, and cultural values from both the present and the past. Josabet Werkmäster was in charge of the workshop and project in Rättvik.

Participants EteKL: Aet Ollisaar, Sigrid Huik, TEXO: Miia Pöytälaakso, Laura Isoniemi, Lithuania Jolanta Šmitienė, Gertrūda Rumzytė. NTA board: Sweden: Josabet Werkmäster, Elisabeth Brenner Remberg, Maria Johansson. Finland: Päivi Vaarula, Maija Esko, Denmark: Vibeke Lindhardt, Berthe Forchhammer.

Textile Talk/Talk Textile - Timelapse tour - Estonia - 2023.

Textile Talk/Talk Textile – Time-lapse - textile tour and meeting in Estonia - Part II. In the project, we have continued our joint workshop with the title: Textile Talk/ Talk Textile. In 2023, the trip went to Estonia with stops in Tallinn Viljandi, Heimtali, Põltsamaa, Äksi, Tartu and Esna. We lived together in the countryside in Männiku Metsatalu. Eesti Tekstiilikunstnike liit was the organiser of the workshop and the tour in Estonia.

The participants were Kadi Pajupuu EE, Aet Ollisaar EE, Sigrid Huik EE, Vibeke Lindhardt DK, Lily Erla Adamsdottir IS, Josabet Werkmäster SE, Åse Eriksen NO, Maija Esko FI, Elisabeth Brenner SE, Maria Johansson SE, Kari Merete Paulsen NO, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttír IS, Päivi Vaarula FI, Jana Vyborna-Turunen Fi, Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė LT, Jolanta Smitiene, LT.

More about Textile Talk/Talk Textile – Time-lapse - textile tour and meeting in Estonia.

Cooperation and networking partners.

Nordic Textile Art,


Eesti Tekstiilikunstnike liit

The Textile Artists’ Guild,


Textilmuseet i Borås.

European Textile Network

Project group Nordic Textile Art: Josabet Werkmäster, Elisabeth Brenner Remberg, Maria Johansson.

Read more about the project: Statusrappport, maj 2024